Computer Science One

First Semester

This is the webpage for my computer science one class. These are all
of the projects that we've done so far with C#.

Title: Goodbye

Date: 9/14/15

Project Description: This project demonstrated how to
change the text.

Title: Help Page

Date: 9/22/15

Project Description: This project demonstrated how to
make words and pictures visible and how to implement
keyboard shortcuts.

Title: Car Rental

Date: 10/5/15

Project Description: This takes in a person's info and
radio buttons they selected to input the price in to the code.

Title: Body Mass Index

Date: 10/8/15

Project Description: This project demonstrated how to do
math inside of a button with the info taken from the user.

Title: Dice Roller

Date: 10/23/15

Project Description: This project demonstrated how to
generate random numbers and implement them as dice.

Title: Craps Game

Date: 10/29/15

Project Description: This project rolls two random numbers
and implements those numbers to set a marker and see if you
have won or lost the game.

Title: Test Scores

Date: 11/2/15

Project Description: This project inputs the scores of
two grades and averages them. It also tells which test was
better or that they were the same scores.

Title: Slot Machine

Date: 11/27/15

Project Description: this project rolls three different
variables and finds out how much money you enter

Title: Football Bowls

Date: 12/7/15

Project Description: This project shows the different
years these teams have played in bowls and
has different forms about their history.

Title: Fish Tank 1D

Date: 1/4/16

Project Description: This program randomizes which way
a fish swims and sets boundaries for the fish.

Title: NFactorial

Date: 1/12/16

Project Description: This program calculates different
sequences of math and the totals of all of them.